In the aftermath of a devastating military error bombing that claimed over 100 lives in Tudun Biri, Kaduna, grieving survivors, relatives, and local residents sought solace on Christmas day within the confines of a church.
Bringing together both Muslims and Christians from Tudun Biri in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, the community observed Christmas on Monday with a joint thanksgiving church service.
The tragic incident occurred on December 5 when villagers were celebrating a Muslim festival, and a combat drone operated by the Nigerian Army mistakenly dropped a bomb. In response, the Defence Headquarters initiated an investigation into the accidental bombing.
Despite the heart-wrenching loss, on Christmas day, both Christian and Muslim residents of Tudun Biri came together in a church service to express gratitude for being alive to witness the holiday. The unity demonstrated in their joint participation highlighted the resilience of the community in the face of tragedy.
Representing Governor Uba Sani at the service, Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, conveyed the government's sympathy and support to the people of Tudun Biri during this challenging time. The Christmas service served as a poignant moment for reflection and communal strength in the midst of adversity.