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Tuesday, April 14, 2020


World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks.

COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. People can also be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose.

“People can also be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose,” it said.
WHO added that COVID-19 was spreading in many countries that did not have 5G mobile networks.

It also said being infected with the new Coronavirus did not mean that the person would be infected with the virus forever, adding that people recovered from the disease.
“Most COVID-19 infected persons can recover and eliminate the virus from their bodies.
“If you are infected by the disease, make sure you treat your symptoms.

“If you have cough, fever, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early, but call your health facility by telephone first.
“Most patients recover thanks to supportive care,” WHO said.
It added that exposure to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees would not prevent COVID-19.

“You can be infected with COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19,” the organisation noted.
It said to be protected from the virus, people should ensure frequent and thorough hand washing and avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose.

How False Claims About 5G Health Risks Spread into Mainstream

5G is the fifth generation of wireless communications technologies supporting cellular data networks. Large-scale adoption began in 2019 and today virtually every telecommunication service provider in the developed world is upgrading its infrastructure to offer 5G functionality.

Anxieties over the growing coronavirus pandemic are making people increasingly susceptible to misinformation, with conspiracy theories linking 5G wireless technology to COVID-19 gaining traction in recent weeks.

The conspiracy has been spread by celebrities, including Woody Harrelson and John Cusack, as well as lesser known influencers and online trolls. And in the last 10 days, they’ve had real-world consequences, with at least 20 phone masts vandalized across the United Kingdom.

The unfounded conspiracy theories reportedly began when a Belgian doctor speculated to a national newspaper about 5G masts in Wuhan, China, where the new coronavirus originated.

Despite the article being removed after a few hours because the comments were baseless, the narrative was picked up by conspiratorial Internet personalities and has spread across the Internet as the coronavirus fans anxieties around the world. (Contrary to the conspiracy theories, which say 5G’s high-frequency waves are harmful, the scientific community agrees they are beneath the wavelength that can damage human cells.)

Conspiracy experts say that it’s understandable that misinformation like the baseless 5G theories would spread in such an uncertain time. “When there are periods of great anxiety about unknown events and unknown threats, people become more conspiracy minded,” says Quassim Cassam, a professor of philosophy at the University of Warwick and author of the book Conspiracy Theories.

The original 5G conspiracies, which existed in fringe areas of the Internet before the COVID-19 outbreak, focused on the idea that the new phone masts required by the technology are somehow causing health problems that are being concealed by governments.

When the coronavirus began to spread around the world in January, Cassam says, conspiracy theorists seized on the uncertainties surrounding the virus to spread the baseless theory to wider audiences searching for information about COVID-19.

“The classic form of a conspiracy theory is that there’s a small group of a small group of powerful individuals who are doing stuff behind the backs of the people and endangering our futures,” he says. “If you take that as a template, you see this 5G theory is basically the same theory being recycled. People were saying the same about 4G, just without coronavirus.”

My Take

“There is no scientifically credible evidence to link the introduction of 5G masts with the COVID-19 outbreak. This would be both a physical and biological impossibility

“5G is the future of the internet, we must be cautious about accepting it without proper testing, but rejecting it also is ignorance; Nigeria is already in Computer Age, Digital Age, and New Media Age. We live in an era where technology is advancing and we must move with the time. #EmbracedTheFuture.

Lesotho, a country of two million people. Lesotho is one of the two countries in Africa that has not been infected with Coronavirus. The other nation is Comoros.

Lesotho got connected with 5G in 2018 and there is no case of Coronavirus in that nation. On August 25, 2018, South Africa’s Vodacom launched what it said was Africa’s first commercial 5G internet service in Lesotho.

Vodacom, South Africa’s biggest mobile operator by market value, said the rollout of the 5G, or fifth generation, standards-based service would provide subscribers in the land-locked mountain kingdom with “fibre-like” internet speeds.

The company said its operation in Lesotho had been assigned spectrum in the 3.5GHz band, enabling the launch of a commercial 5G service.

How will one explain this? One expects that Lesotho would have been crushed by 5G right now as some people’s theory suggested

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