UI management meets students over protests - INSTANT NEWS

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

UI management meets students over protests

UI management meets students over protests

 The University of Ibadan management has held a meeting with student representatives to address the ongoing protests on campus.

 The students, led by Students' Union President Bolaji Aweda, have been demonstrating against various issues, including the recent introduction of 10-hour daily electricity supply, fee hikes, compulsory GES textbooks, poor welfare conditions, inadequate security, and victimization of students who participated in earlier protests.

Aweda presented the students' grievances to the management, emphasizing the need for improved living and learning conditions on campus. 

In response, Professor Peter Olapegba, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), explained that the new electricity policy was necessitated by the high monthly bills paid to the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC).

The meeting aimed to find a resolution to the ongoing protests and address the students' concerns. The management's response and willingness to engage with the students' union may help to alleviate tensions and find a way forward for the university community.

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